We went for a food testing in kayu ara damansara sabtu lepas lepas. And bcoz the super iritating strimik buat hal that day, i didn't do my usual wikimapia search before going to an unfamiliar place. I just got the caterer's map which is erkk not helpful at all... thus we got sesat! huhu
From the map it says take the exit 23 on the Sprint highway, and all this while i thot that from Kerinci Link you can get to sprint highway..tapi dah sampai hujung kerinchi Link tak jumpa punn..uhhhh did i miss any turning?? Erhhh tension btol. Lil sis pulak not helping. Last sampai area one utama aku dah pening pala..waaa mana exit 23 sprint highway ni wehh?? But thankfully the caterer help us with the direction. Sampai pun!
Anyway I like their place. They have their own lot building and the presentation of the food testing was very clean n nice. Food was also reasonably good, except ayam dia a bit too pedas for me, takpa ini boleh direquest. Byk gak jenis boleh rasa sbb ada 2 kenduri that day. Price wise pulak setakat yang kami tau, sgt la murah! Dah la byk free item dia kasik tau. Mana nk dapat RM10.50 with 8 arabic canopy, hidangan pengantin with hiasan meja pengantin n backdrop, 4 dome for the VIPS, kek 3 tingkat and also the penanggah. Very good deal tau! Furthermore the contact person is so very helpful and pleasant. Any enquiries i just ym her ;) Mama dearie is so very relief, coz the most important thing dah settle. Alhamdulillah..just hope everything goes well nanti. Amin...
psstt..kalau nk info on the caterer, buzz me ;)
2. Tempah Baju nikah & Baju hantaran from FMIL - Checked!
That weekend also i went to see our usual tailor. Gave her my design for nikah outfit, the only problem on this is the beading where she always send to is too dem expensive..Hampir RM300 babe! Waduhh kopak akuu..So skarang aku tengah mencari beader yg charge lebih reasonable..Anyone has their contact number???
As for the baju for this kain, initially i was just intended for it to be a kurung moden, but when maria our tailor kira rupanya the kain is 5 meter. Maka the balance of the kain will be made as the top part of baju kebaya pendek whichhhh~ can be weared with the kurung modern's kain or even jeans..uh uhh i suka i suka!
3. Tempah Kad Kahwin - Half Checked coz kad nya belom depan mata lagik..huhu
We've chosen the design and already send the layout kad. Early november will follow up with them on the final layout for printing..End of November br leh collect the card. Erghh..lambat lagi..once dapat je kad kena la cepat-cepat tulis and send out for mr postman to deliver.
4. Sewa Baju Sanding for both side - Wuhuuu Checked!
On last saturday went to see julie (my side wedding boutique) to choose and try out the baju..As im gonna wear all white, seb ada baju putih baru buat..fuhh tak yah tempah..tidak kena add on money. The dress is simple and sweet tapi paling i suka bout this dress is the veil to go with it.. The only thing is the top part is lace and ohh so revealing. Encik tunang mmg dah kasi warning about this awal-awal dulu lagi.."no revealing dress please..i dun want awal-awal dah tanggung ur dosa." Erghh..tolong la i pun tamau sexy gitu. tak sesuai i bertudung okk.. So am going to have to find an inner baju for this and also a white tudung. Ke Jalan TAR la weekend ni yee. As for encik tunang's attire, dia dapat baju baru sbb takde size but with no charge la. ;)
As for baju bertandang, we went for a hunt in bangi. Sgt banyak butik-butik di bangi ni ok. Mr tunang jadi drebar n i turun and ask for the price. Kalau within our budget baru mr tunang turun keta. Tidak buang masa la dua-dua turun..i kering je masuk butik terus tanya sewa baju..hoho..tapi most sewa is RM700 an above. Mahalnyaaa! Honestly i almost gave up the search that evening.
But on our last stop, we both tetiba nak turun and tengok. Masuk butik tu tgk uih ramainye org, baju pun looks up to date n the owner look so stylish. Dlm hati rasa mcm mahal je butik ni..tapi once i ask the sewa, its only RM550! yeyyyy~ and they have bajus in dark red! wuhuuuuuuuuu~~
Seriously it was so dem easy and fast.. I masuk trus tanya sewa baju and bgtau our theme, then SA dia ckp ada baju baru tgh buat. Tak fully siap lagi, dia kata nak tambah manik lagi ni. I tengok oh cantek cantek dark red with gold lace and just like i want, something jubah-ish. Then i tanya guy's nya baju mcm mana pulak? And the owner tunjuk the baju, its a 3 suit blazer with songket border..ohhh suka2.. Although the baju tak fully siap lagi pun i trus booking! I rasa smua org dlm butik pun kagum tgk begitu senangnya bride ni! hehehehehehehe
5. Doorgift for guest and VIPS - Double checked..sgt puas hati! ;)
Mama dearie wants to add another 300 bekas for the doorgift. Maka we shot off to Nilai 3 yesterday morning. A bit worry what if the bekas all sold out?? Fortunately ada satu kedai clearing off those bekas..fuhh mmg last kopek betul laaa..murah by 10cent per bekas from the original price.(i think) Beside dat we got a really nice bedside table lamp for free..hehe
Oh yaa bakul for the VIPS osso sudah settle. Ini lah dia gamba bakul yg togel tanpa deconya lagikk ;)
Good deal betul. Be a member at ZC for RM10 a year, and you'll get a very good price of selected items. The bakul we've bought tu the original price is RM3.40 and mana-mana kedai pun jual almost the same price. But for ZC's member they're selling it at RM1.40 only!! 2ringgit off walawehhh~..hehehehehe. Super jimat! If smaller size sila tolak 20kupang yaa(dat is 20cent).. Anyway they opened a new ZC outlet yg sgt besar, almost big as Thank Q tapi a bit tesorok sket laa..their wedding stuffs and flowers are up to date.. especially their deco. Lawa-lawa laa..seb duit agak limited, tidak aku angkut dah a few bunga-bunga and decos! ;b
As for the deco for the bakul pun sudah dibeli. SA di one of the kedai(erkk i forgot the name of the shop!) is soooo helpful, dia nmpk kami tgh cari bunga utk tempek ke bakul tu, n i said kecik2 sgt bunga ni..then dia suggest letak riben blakang bunga kecik tuu..wahh sungguh good idea dan jimat!! ;b
Arini riben2 sudah habis dipotong, sekarang tengah mempusing2 kan riben cam dia ajar by the SA..once finish nak lekat the bunga to the riben pulak..thenn baru lekat to the bakul. Fuhh seb VIP doorgift jek, mampus aku if its the guest door gift! 1300 bekas babeee!
Lega ini pun sudah half settle. Tinggal barang dlm je. Mama dearie nk letak the guest's bekas telur, cookies and chocolate which she will personally made herself (ibu sy mmg kerjanya wat coklat tau! heh)
6. HIV Test - Alahaii of coz la both of us are non-reactive! Kami tidak melakukan sebarang aktiviti berisiko yaa.. ;)
So lucky mr fiance's fren(kawan kepada kawan sbnrnya) working at Klinik Kesihatan Jinjang. Thats why u need networking people..heh. A week early already made appointment with dat guy and bila sampai je tak payah pun beratur panjang utk amek nombor dan borang. Semua dia dah ready utk kami. hehe. So everything was smooth dan senang. Thank god! ..hihihi..
Dan rupanya the test valid for 6 month, ingatkan 3 bulan.. Apa-apa pun sungguh lega, now we can start working on the borang. Tok kadi dah ckp bile dah settle borang laki, leh la jumpa dia. Oh ya mama dearie osso sudah jumpa tok kadi, maka sudah book time n date for the nikah. 1 Jan 2010 ya peeps..mark your calender!
Perghhhhhh panjangnya entry ni..haha told you im going to go all out before end of this month! Banyak gle dh settle babes and im super duper lega! Wheeeeeeee~~~ \(^o^)/