Sekarangkan theres a lot of fashion ready made baju with really beautiful beading dat are actually very nice. Price are OK osso, around RM100 to RM350. Lagi lawa beading lagi mahal la kan. Simple beading but still beautiful and kemas are around RM100 to RM200. So bila pk balik, tempah baju kurung moden with linning pun dh almost RM200 dkat tailor yg kitorg slalu tempah, tambah harga kain lagi, tambah beading lagi..fuhh akhirnya mungkin cecah RM350 ke RM400. Erkk.. dan sila la darab dengan jumlah events dan kepala..tu tak kira lagi my cousin's wedding in november and december.. Aduiiii kayap buat baju je kang!
Anyway sampai juga ke destinasi, which is Jakel coz nak beli kain for pengapit. Sekejap je coz i only bought a light purple kain for mr fiance's pengapit. Tu pun xtau la murah ke, ok ke, tp i like the purple colour la, the kain felt soft and comfortable and ikot kate SA nya tak panas. Bantai laa..huhu. As for my pengapit will have to come with her. Kang aku beli kain yg dia tak suka camne?? Honestly la i am NOT at all good in this. Sangat tak reti beli kain dan tempah. Most of our bajus are ready made and biasenya below RM100. Kadang-kadang je terlebih skettt.. Every year my raya is very sederhana. Slalu balik kampung which is in Parit Buntar, Perak then baru beli baju raya kat sana. Theres a lot of cheap ready made baju raya there dan kami sememangnya adalah pelanggan tetap kedai Mei Chong dan kedai Haji Sani di sana. ;b
Oh yaa..lupa pulak i osso bought linning for FMIL kain, which will be one of my hantaran. This also have to be send for tempah. And im still not sure what design suits this kain and me. Kan dah kata tak reti la bab-bab kain ni..huhuhuhu.
Any suggestion? Kainnya agak kasar dan keras dan agak jarang. Tak tau org panggil jenis apa kain ini. Its orange in colour n have a lot of silver dust. Sungguh shinning!
Oh ya one more thing before headed to Jalan TAR, we went to RINS suzana's boutique. They are having this really good promotion. 3 baju L & P (from 30 collections) for a price of only RM500 only! Tapi malangnya the baju i like is either too small for me..waaaa i so~~~ need to lose my weight and shape up..4 kg jadi la! or its not in my theme colour.. *sighed~* Anyway tomorrow is their last day of promotion, tu pun di extand tauu.. Sapa nak, p la tgk ye..tak rugi pun tengokk..they are near the Giant Ulu Kelang.
dear,,,kite pun cr kain jgk..nk wt utk pakai tunang nnti..
ReplyDeletecr wrne pink..ade, pekat sgt..
yg ade pun byk lace.. klu blh xnk lace..
ssh la carik..
aik..baju pun ade buffet ke?hehehe..kenyang ni!
ReplyDeletedear..jom singgah blog i..
ReplyDeletesalam.. hi..nk tgk cenderahati kahwin cun tak? VIP gift pon ade..jom ke blog sye..
all the best for wedding k?
namin..just wanna double check with cake from ur side to him tema merah maroon ek? wedding cake from his side dah kowtim nak we all order or mr tunang order sendiri?