Yeyy~ im fully satisfied with the bekas. Penat btol pusing-pusing nilai 3 tadi. Actually benda lain yg dicari tapi benda lain pulak yang berkenan di hati. Hehehehhehe. Tak jadi beli the initial bekas that i was looking for. 1st reason price are almost the same RM1 per piece, 2nd reason the choices of colours are more (i bought purple, turqoise, yellow, green, brown, red n black), 3rd reason n its the most important thing, I dun need to deco the bekas sbb mmg dh chantekk! So tak jadi la nk wat camni (sila klik for detail).
Tapi maybe just for the VIPs, i think i'll need to put a ribbon. Bagi nampak spesel sket. 42 pieces je, skett so xla penat. Dah beli pun the ribbon, payah gak nk cari this design. Tak byk kedai jual, most probably dh habis stok kot. I got it for RM2.50. Panjang mana? Aku pun xsure, dia xtulis. Belasah je beli sbb cam murah jek. Heh..
Nway 40 are for his side n the other 2 for the pengapits. Ada lagi nk kasi for VIPs ni. Bakul for the VIPs pun baru disurvey tadi. Might put 3 items in the bakul. Maka kena la p nilai 3 lg nanti.. Alaa its like 20-30 minutes from home plus no traffic jam. Thats why we dun mind going there.....errr every week(?!) hahahaha..tak kose aku nk p tiap-tiap minggu, panas laa nilai 3 tuu..!
Haaa..aku nk tunjuk u girls one thing i bought there.. a comforter set dat includes of coz the comforter also known as quilt, 1 queen size bedsheet, 4 pillow cover(ye EMPAT!) and 1 boster cover. Yang tak tahan tu is the design. Chantek kan??! Design LV gituu~.. sangat suka!! ;b
Oh yaa berapa ye utk set comforter ini??? Cuba lah teka....
jeng jeng jeng.......
RM38 SAHAJA!! hehehehehheheh..tapi kena tutup sebelah mata laa, jahitan comforter dia kureng skettt. haha wat do u expect for such a cheap price?!
p/s : sori aku xletak gamba bekas tu. Bagi surprise skett..hihi.